Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How to Walk Away by Katherine Center

Ever read a book and it just punches you in all the feelings. That was this book for me. Was it problematic at times, yup. Was is the best written, eh. This was the book my soul needed at the time I read it though.

Margaret Jacobsen has worked for a perfect life and everything is finally falling into place for her. She is dating a great guy, Chip, and she just landed her dream job. So what if Chip is trying to force her into an airplane when heights are really, really not her thing? It is his thing and Margaret has a feeling that this might be a very special night for them.

One decision can change everything though. One moment is all it takes for everything to change.

This book gutted me. Margaret had goals and life ambitions and it is all dramatically changed when her narcissistic boyfriend pushes her into doing something for him. Margaret has to learn literally how to walk away from the life she was working so hard for.  Just coming out of a terrible relationship, granted didn't end in this same dramatic way, I was able to relate to Margaret so well. She overcame the impossible. While we read about people that let things knock them down and out of life, Margaret never gives up. Even when her friends and family are giving up around her. More importantly though we do see her struggle with depression and losing herself at times.

I needed this book. I loved this book. I highly recommend this book.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide by Karen Kilgariff, Georgia Hardstark

One day I was driving home from work and saw a bumper stick saying Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered and I was instantly intrigued. A little research let me know this is a popular slogan from a podcast "My Favorite Murder" and that the podcast creators released a book. So of course, I had to get it.

I am not really really sure what I was expecting, but its not what was delivered in the book. That being said, it wasn't a bad book! I think I was expecting more true crime and this was more memoir and personal stories and how the podcast came to be for the duo.

I am assuming that the titles for the chapters are catchphrases from their show. For each of these the particular author for that section discusses their life experiences as it relates to that particular slogan.   Some were very relate-able like "Fuck Politeness" while others were just meh and probably would mean more if you were invested in the show and the personalities of the authors.

This book hit a variety of emotions and added humor along the way which is my answer for everything. Though it was a good read for someone that doesn't know anything about the podcast I  think the target audience, the podcast listeners, would get more out of the book and enjoy the anecdotes much more.

Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior by Mark Goulston, Philip Goldberg

Just like most self help books a lot of this is common sense and things that you already know just presented in a slightly different way. That being said. I really enjoyed this book. I listened to the audio version and I was hooked. I would pause it think about it restart the chapters to hear it again. I am even planning on buying a copy once bookstores are open again.

I think all of us are guilty of self-defeating behavior. Everything from procrastination to chasing dead end relationships. Being a "yes" girl gets me in emotional trouble with myself. I know I am a doormat for most of my "friends".  A lot of what was in this I was able to relate to and the insights made resonated with me and I cannot wait to review my life with this new information in my pocket.