Sunday, January 25, 2015

Too Many Crooks Spoil the Broth (Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery #1) - Tamar Myers

I ranked this book as OK. This was another free top 100 from Amazon. I like mysteries and this one keeps you guessing as to "who dun it". I am not a huge fan of when people are taken advantage of or needless bickering and this book was full of both. It is also full of references how people are hypocritical when it comes to their religions which is another topic I am not a huge fan of. (This also could be the author not being well educated on the religions?) So while the mystery kept me intrigued the rest of the story I could have done without.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Where She Went (If I stay #2) - Gayle Forman

This is the second book in the If I Stay series that my hubby bought for me for Christmas. The first book was told from the female leads perspective and was really good. This one was told from the male leads prospective and was just as good.

The first book was all about the girl falling into a coma after a tragic car accident and her decision to stay or leave. This second book is set three years later and about how her decision to stay has impacted their relationship. I liked how these two books tie into each other, how his conversation begging her to stay alive, even if he has to let her go, would be better then if she left (died). (Spoiler coming up) How he knows that this doomed their relationship yet could not stop a moment of weakness to beg it of her changes their lives for the next three years in ways he did not want to anticipate. Of course this is fiction and where real life would leave these star crossed lovers doomed they manage to find a way back to each other and rekindle their old passions for each other.

This book is worth the money spent :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dying to Read (Cate Kinkaid Files#1) - Lorena McCourtney

Amazon Free Top 100 book. This book I marked as just okay. I liked the murder mystery aspect but the overall book was laced with references to religion that to me felt unnecessary and forced. I am not a religious person though (I was born Russian Orthodox, raised Catholic, chose Christianity and then decided that religion was so warped that I was better just following my morals and values and just being the best person I can be and helping others be the best they can be). This story also felt very young, as in I would have read and loved it more if I was still in middle school/early high school. It is not a bad book though. I like having super easy reads since I am usually too tired to follow a book with a lot of depth and dramatic expressive writing that requires full attention to capture minute details.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

First book of 2015! Hot - Julia Harper

Goodreads First Read

Turner, the main character, has waited for four years for revenge for her Uncle Rusty who was blamed for embezzling for the bank he worked for. A robbery occurs at the bank where now Turner works on Saturdays while she waits for a perfect opportunity to exact revenge. When the bank robbers flee the scene Turner robs the safe deposit of the bank owner, and the man she thinks really has been embezzling. FBI agent John MacKinnon comes in to track her down and arrest her. He instantly falls for Turner though and realizes there is a lot more going on then the initial robbery and as he pursues her so is a hired killer. The story line between Turner and John keeps the book interesting but the breaks with the story of the initial robbers just is not appealing. Overall I liked the story though even though much of it is fantasy love story and two bumbling idiots.

Friday, January 2, 2015

To Helen Back (River Road #1) - 2014 read, late review

Amazon Top 100 Free read that I finished last year (all of two days ago, still cant believe its 2015!). Its a murder mystery where everyone has a motive. Maybe I have been reading too much and characters are starting to blend, but (semi spoiler alert but not really) I thought that the reading indicated a male attacker so I was really thrown for a loop at the end. I do not want to re-read the book to discover what the hints were as this was just a good quick read but nothing that required my attention.

Now to gather all the books to read in the new year! I have found some great reading challenges so that should be fun to make a list from the lists (because that is the way I roll).