A Penguin First to Read ARC e-book in exchange for an honest review.
Action packed thriller following the “innocent man on the run, will do anything to prove innocence while being a hero to the world” theme.
I would recommend this to those that like military themed thrillers. It is action packed, violence packed and relies heavily on special force references and training to move the plot along since the average Joe would have died by chapter two and the average grunt would maybe make it to chapter three.
This is book one in the Mike Garin Thriller series. Mike Garin is special forces of a highly questionable and guarded secret team, the Omegas. The team just got back from a successful trip to Pakistan when all of them, but Garin, are killed. Garin is left as the prime suspect and the government as well as his enemies want him eliminated.
Garin tries to avenge his teams death, keep his family safe and bring down a conspiracy that threatens the USA power as tensions in the Middle East climb.
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