Wednesday, June 18, 2014

GoodReads First Reads First Read - Being Audrey Hepburn by Mitchell Kriegman

Now that title was a mouth full...

I must say, I recently discovered that an ordinary Jane like myself could be privy to advanced copies. I am in love.

I won a free copy of "Being Audrey Hepburn" by Mitchell Kriegman from and it was actually pretty good!

A lot happens in this fast paced story and my only complaint would be it was hard to gauge how much time passed between all the events. I may be the only one but the passage of time in a story is important to me. It helps me understand what is happening with the characters though process better. How they fly from one emotion to the next. I felt as though this story chopped out chunks of time without letting the reader fully process it was happening since the transition could have been seconds worth of time per the flow of the story but the words lead you to think maybe days if not weeks went by. Besides that though, this is not the typical girl likes a boy story even though there is that story line. This story focuses mainly on the drama behind finding the passion in life. If you have ever felt lost and adrift, without a passion or a plan in life you become the main character and cheer her on as she trips into a glamour filled life. There is a lot that is unbelievable in this story but that is why we read, or at least why I do. This story could happen in an alternate universe, to a girl that is not me. Or maybe it has happened to someone just not in such extremes.

This is definitely a popcorn book. Easy light reading that keeps you entertained without making you think too much about the plot or where the story was going. Everyone lives happily ever after, even with the various hiccups and roadblocks along the way.

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