What a great month! I was able to read (and listen to) a lot
of books and I also amassed a lot of books! I got a ton of great books for my
birthday and treated myself to just a few as well! I cannot wait to see where
they will fall into my upcoming TBR.
For this month’s wrap up **check out previous posts for more
information on previous weeks.** otherwise scroll to the bottom for a table
view of the complete month.
This last week I was able to finish a lot of books mainly
due to most of them being started earlier in the month, I only managed to start one book this week
and it was a little novella that I read in twenty minutes over lunch.

I finally finished Fox by Kelly Oliver. I received a free e-book
copy of this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I really wanted
to like this story. I really like the kick off. It fell flat for me though. I
am not sure if it’s because you need to read it as part of a series (this would
be the third book). Or if it was really just not that good. Jessica James wakes
up naked behind a dumpster with severe pelvic pain. She thinks she has been
raped and decides she doesn’t want to report it because it just too embarrassing
for her… yeah, already losing me. In the end though, she does end up at the
hospital and reports what she knows. She had drinks with a cute guy in scrubs
and woke up behind the dumpster. The hospital lets her know she wasn’t raped
and sends her on her way with ominous notes about how she had surgery recently.
Again, the story loses me. A girl walks in thinking she is raped, she isn’t,
you hint at surgery but don’t explain what type you think she had even though
she adamantly refuses that any surgery has taken place in anytime during her
life…It was hard to get my interest back after that and it was overly obvious
what was happening and who was doing what or not doing what. Maybe start with
the first book and see if you like it?

Then I finally finished Reincarnation Blues by Michael
Poore. This was another free e-book copy in exchange for an honest review. I
will let you I liked this one much more. The cover illustrations are as unique
as the story. I will say though, I did get bored with it after a while and the
only thing that kept me going was the romance between Death aka Suzie and Milo.
Milo is nearing his 10K life. He is one of the oldest souls
and he argues the most wise as well. If he is so wise, and had so many chances
to reach perfection, why does he keep failing? I really enjoyed how uniquely
this story was told. We experience some of Milo’s lives in chapter form while
others are limited to brief sentences. Some are “normal” existences while
others are amazing and far reaching. Some stories were relatable and others too
odd/weird/other worldy to even consider trying to rate/explain. If the story
was a bit shorter I think I would have rated it higher but it did get to be
much of the same towards the end.
Catching up on book club reads I finally re-read How to Win
Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I really enjoyed this as a
re-read especially after going through and reading the comments that this book
generates. It made me giggle that some people read it almost as a self-help
book versus the business book it was meant to be.
Knowing the age of this book, it is starting to show
unfortunately. As Google celebrates its 19th year in business it
just shows gaping holes missing from this text when it comes to the Internet
and social media. It would be nice to see someone from the foundation or
another respected business guru step in and make some edits and inclusions to
allow for the modern day happenings.
A random selection using Libby by Overdrive I listened to
Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris. Honestly, I don’t know what kept me from
sleeping more, It by Stephen King or this read. My wonderful friend Michelle
received a copy of this as an ARC a while back and was honestly creeped out
when the publisher sent a follow up note written as a woman trapped in her
hotel room. Great marketing I tell you! This is totally worth the read and or
listen. I might even just have to go buy myself a physical copy so I can stare
at it horrified…

As mentioned, I was also reading It by Stephen King and was
able to finish that as well. The book club was reading this (them for the first
time, me as a re-read) so that we could do a girls day to see the movie
together on the 28th. I believe I was 10, maybe 11, the first time I
read this book. It took me 17 years to read it again. The scene with the sink
bubbling out blood, yup, still creepy as all heck. I loved it the second time
around but found the same problems as I did when I was younger. There are a lot
of rambling on that could have been whittled down a bit and not lost the
building dread and the ending was hugely disappointing. King does such a
fantastic job with building his stories but I often feel like he gives up on
the endings, or doesn’t have a firm vision on where he wants the endings to go.
He is still the master of horror for me though and I still highly recommend
this book. Maybe not to a 10 year old though…King is pretty messed up and does
love his racial slurs as well as graphic sexual scenes that can be perverted or
violent at times.

Then to save my sanity and be able to sleep at night… I read
Dataclysm by Christian Rudder. This was the nonfiction pick for the Charmed Book Club. This was an interesting read. As a woman over
the age of 22 the first two chapters were very brutal and aggressive to get through.
Look at the source though, a male that started an online dating site. It was
all true, data driven analysis but didn’t make it any easier to read. Rudder
relies heavily on his research from his own dating site so you need to take that
into account. It got a little old towards the end how heavily it was relied on,
his exclusive access to OKCupid data. I like psychology though and it was an
interesting peak and jumping off point for research. Worth the read but don’t get
heavily invested in everything he says, its one opinion based heavily on one
source pool.
I also sneaked in another graphic novel, Avatar the Last Airbender Vol 1 by Michael Dante DiMartino, Shopaholic on Honeymoon by Sophie Kinsella and finally managed to finish Requiem for A Dream by Hubert Selby Jr.
Avatar was cute and reminded me of the TV show. I did borrow
up to volume three from the library but not too sure I am interested enough
anymore to read them. It wasn’t bad, I just think it fell outside my current
interest zone.
This was a short novella and super cute. I just love her voice in these stories!
Requiem for a Dream, I have no idea why it took me so long
to read. This was part of October 2016 challenge… Yeah, I was a year behind on
my reading challenges. This book just kept getting pushed down but I am so
happy I finally read it! I have a love hate relationship with the movie. I
watched it several years ago for the first time and it freaked me out. The
different, interconnected story lines were beautifully woven together and
showed many paths addiction can take. I think the movie is a must watch and
book must read for those entering high school and adulthood in general. It was
very emotional and eye opening.
Final recap below:
When the Bough Breaks
Jonathan Kellerman
Loud Music
Gloria Geiger
The Sun is Also a Star
Nicola Yoon
The Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan
Spellbook of the Lost and
Moira Fowley-Doyle
The Count of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
Bakuman Vol 1
Tsugumi Ohba
Bakuman Vol 2
Tsugumi Ohba
Rogue Lawyer
John Grisham
Dan Brown
The Show-off Monkey and
Other Taoist Tales
Mark W McGinnis
Bakuman Vol 3
Tsugumi Ohba
How to Find Love in a
Veronica Henry
The Tea Planter's Wife
Dinah Jeffries
John Grisham
Fifty Shades Freed
E. L. James
The Zookeeper’s Wife
Diane Ackerman
Neil Gaiman
Kelly Oliver
Reincarnation Blues
Michael Poore
How to Win Friends and
Influence People
Dale Carnegie
Behind Closed Doors
B.A. Paris
Shopaholic on Honeymoon
Sophie Kinsella
Stephen King
Christian Rudder
Michael Dante DiMartino
I am so excited for October and all the fun challenges
hosted by @thetallented who is running @thecharmedbookclub on Instagram. This
lady comes up with the best challenges!
A = Amazon Top 100 Free
B = Borrowed/Library
BT = Book Tour – Honest Review
F2R = First to Read (Penguin) – Honest Review
G = GoodReads – Honest Review
NG = NetGalley – Honest Review
P = Purchased
A = Audio
E = E-book
P = Physical
Instagram: @shelf.loving